The club began with its activities in 1996 with the section of Taekwon-do Club Unior in Zrece, Dolic, Mislinija and Velenje. The Club was officially established in 1997 by Peter Landeker, the coach. At first the Club was named 'Taekwon-do klub Velenje', and it was renamed to 'Taekwon-do klub Skala' in 2000. The Club has more than 70 members, who achieve enviably results in theirs categories. Trainings are arranged five times a week in 'Šolski center Velenje' where we have our fighting center. Boys and girls aged 6 and above are trained in the Club, where so-called 'recreative members' who learns self-defense technique are also included. The Taekwon-do klub Skala is not only competitive but also organize oriented. In 2000 we organized competition for state Taekwon-do championship in Velenje, pioneer state championship in May 2001, and state championship for junior and club members in November 2001. In October 2001 the first open championship named Open 2001 was organized which become traditional. On 12th Nov, 2005 Velenje will host 5th Velenje Open in Red hall.